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The barracks is where you train your military units with which you can invade other counties and defend your own lands. You can also train specialised units which are essential to building your county.

The specialised county units are Builders, Trainers and Scouts. There are also two additional specialised units called the Thief and the Spellcaster. Thieves will be detailed in the Thieves Guild section of the manual and Spellcasters in the Magic Tower section.
Builders, Trainers and Scouts are all essential to building your county as they control how many buildings you can make per tick, how many units you can train per tick and how much land you can explore per tick.

To be able to train your units, you will need recruits. Recruits come from your population and the maximum amount of units you can have is equal to 35% of your population. Each recruit costs 100 gold to train. Recruits are housed in your barracks and take up one space each. Recruits also have minimal stats and can be used to contribute to your counties defence.

Once you have sent an army out with one of your heroes, then those units sent with the hero will no longer be able to defend your lands until they return, which means you will be vulnerable to attack if you send a large amount of your military units away.

There are three tiers of military units and as your county grows you will be able to gain access to more powerful military units. To obtain tier three unit reserach, you must first construct the tier two structure for that unit type. You can build the tier three structure before the tier two structure for a certain unit type, but it will be no good until the tier two structure is created.
The tier level at which you are able to train the advanced units is listed in the table below.

Below is a table listing all of the military units stats.

| Human |

Human Units
County Unit
Name Att Dam Def HP Upkp Pwr Tier
Recruit 1 1 1 15 1 1 1
Builder 0 0 0 0 1 1 1
Trainer 0 0 0 0 1 1 1
Scout 0 0 0 0 1 1 1
Thief 5 2 1 40 1 2 1
Spellcaster 0 0 0 0 2 3 1
Melee Units
Name Att Dam Def HP Upkp Pwr Tier
Skirmisher 2 1 4 60 1 2 1
Maceman 4 2 8 120 2 4 2
Swordsman 6 3 12 180 3 6 2
Pikeman 8 4 16 240 4 8 3
Knight 10 5 20 300 5 10 3
Ranged Units
Name Att Dam Def HP Upkp Pwr Tier
Archer 2 3 1 45 1 2 1
Crossbowman 4 6 2 90 2 4 2
Longbowman 6 9 3 135 3 6 2
Sniper 8 12 4 180 4 8 3
Siege Archer 10 15 5 225 5 10 3
Magic Units
Name Att Dam Def HP Upkp Pwr Tier
Witch 6 1 2 40 1 2 1
Battle Medic 12 2 4 80 2 4 2
Mage 18 3 6 120 3 6 2
Druid 21 4 8 160 4 8 3
Wizard 30 5 10 200 5 10 3

Tutorial - Barracks
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