Tutorial - Explore
To explore in Warshire, you need to goto Structures and build an Outpost.
After that is done, the exploration screen will appear and you will be able to pay gold in order to gain more land
without attacking for it, however the price is based on the amount of land that you have, so it can get expensive.
The amount of gold that is needed to explore 1 land of each type is shown at the top of the screen. Just below the cost is
the maximum amount of each land type that you can explore. The maximum you can explore is always 10% of your current
amount of land of that type, but if you have less than 300 land, the maximum will be 30 land instead of 10%. The maximum
you can explore is also restricted by the amount of gold you have.
The amount of land you are currently exploring is shown just below the maximum amount you can explore.
The amount of scouts you have and how much land they are able to explore per tick is also displayed. In the example,
the couts can explore 6 land per tick. This is 6 land over all of the land types. So if you explore 6 plains, mountains
and forests at the same time, only 2 of each land type will be received each tick.
To explore, type the number of each land type you wish to explore and click the Explore button, remembering that if you
do not have enough gold, of the amount you input is more than the maximum, you will not be able to explore.
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