This is where you are able to change certain aspects of your account.
There are currently three options available in Preferences, Delete Account, Change Password and Edit Profile Settings.
Delete Account - This allows you to delete your account from the game. After selecting to delete, you will need to enter your password to confirm the deletion.
Change Password - This allows you to change the password that you login with. Once you have selected to change your password, you will need to enter your old password, then your new password twice to confirm the new password.
Edit Profile Settings - Your profile is shown to other players via the View Kingdoms screen. You are able to edit your county avatar and your quote and are able to select wether your contact information, such as your email or AIM nickname, can be seen by other players. This contact information is set to visible by default. To make it invisible to other players, simply deselect the option in the edit preferences screen.
Tutorial - Preferences
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